Caricami partner of STEP FuturAbility District

We are happy to announce the collaboration of Caricami with STEP FuturAbility District which will open as a preview on the 28th and 29th of May 2022 with free visits, workshops and laboratories.

STEP FuturAbility District was born in the midst of a digital revolution that is represented in all areas of daily life, both personal and professional.

STEP’s goal is to help unite the digital divide that continues to strongly characterize our country by raising awareness on issues of the digital future and digital skills, on the need for a new and progressive literacy, on the social repercussions of connectivity, on the new professional skills that will arise from these changes and on the evolution of the labor market.

STEP is an interactive experience, 45 minutes long, in which the visitor will use their smartphone to dialogue with the various installations present in the space and actively interact with its contents.

To allow an even more positive and carefree use of the experience, two Caricami cell phone charging stations will be available to visitors – located at the entrance of the space. From these it will be possible to easily rent a universal 5000 mAh power bank, with 3 integrated charging cables, allowing the user to keep their mobile phone charged for the duration of the interactive experience and return the powerbank once the experience is over.


By entering the CARICAMI4STEP code in the Caricami app (available on the Play Store and App Store), all STEP visitors will be credited with 90 minutes of free charging. This code can be used once a day and, as soon as it is redeemed, it will give you 90 bonus minutes to use during the day at the stations present in the STEP FuturAbility District.


  • Download the Caricami app (available on Play Store and App Store)
  • Enter the promotional code in the “PAYMENTS AND COUPONS” section of the app
  • Scan the QR code to unlock your power bank
  • Recharge in complete mobility
  • Return the power bank


To download the Caricami app, click here.

To find out more about the STEP FuturAbility District, click here.

To request a Caricami mobile charging station, click here.

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