Mobile recharge solutions for your business

What solutions are available and how to choose

Are you thinking of installing a mobile charging station in or near your business? You’ve had a great idea!

Charging stations for mobile phones and mobile devices are an excellent opportunity to attract new customers and retain regular ones. Why? Because they respond to the need that most characterizes our generation: that of always staying connected.

Until a few years ago it was normal to be unreachable, today the idea of ​​leaving the house without a smartphone, or with a dead cell phone, sends us into a panic. That’s why a mobile charging station in your business can help you stand out from the crowd and have a positive effect on your business.

But what kind of solution to choose? And what are the differences between the various alternatives?

Mobile charging stations: the different solutions

When you decide to install a mobile charging station in your business, you have several alternatives available. The choice of the best solution must take into account the type of activity (bar, restaurant, gym, beauty centre, shopping centre, event space, etc.), the spaces available, the average number of customers and their habits and needs.

Below are some of the solutions on the market for recharging mobile phones.

Totem With Drawers

Totems with drawers are charging stations for large smartphones, clearly visible in very large spaces. These allow the users to recharge their smartphone by placing it inside one of the drawers of the Totem. The customer can go away and run their errands in peace while their mobile recharges.

Totems with drawers can be equipped with screens which, by showing information or advertisements, make the user experience pleasant.

We recommend this solution for businesses with large spaces and a lot of traffic, where customers tend to spend a lot of time. It is true that with this solution the user will have to agree to abandon their device while recharging.

Charging table

The charging tables, or charging tables, are easy-to-install solutions mainly suitable for the catering sector. These are tables equipped with retractable cables, USB sockets or wireless charging stations, which allow users to connect their smartphone and recharge it while leaning against the table to read a newspaper or eat their meal.

The Charging Table provides charging cables compatible with all mobile phones, and is an excellent solution for small or medium-sized environments. However, the investment required for these solutions is not among the lowest.

Charging stations with power banks

There are cell phone charging solutions that do not force the user to leave their device while charging and whose investment is very low. These are mobile charging stations that provide portable power banks that the user can take, use in complete mobility, and then return once the charge is finished.

This solution comes in 2 forms:

  • Docking station: the station is equipped with slots with removable power banks. Extraction and return take place manually under the supervision of the activity staff. This is because there is no way to track the use of the various power banks by users.
  • Automated Stations: In addition to the power bank slots, the station features an intelligent system for battery release and return. This system, in the case of Caricami, works through a mobile application that allows users to rent a battery independently without any intervention by the staff of the activity.

Automated stations have made it possible to give life to power bank sharing. This phenomenon, born in China and now widespread throughout the world, solves people’s need to be able to recharge on the go thanks to a network of cell phone charging stations and power banks that are always available and widespread in the city.

By choosing automated mobile charging stations, the investment required is extremely reduced: it is not necessary to purchase stations, bear installation and maintenance costs or dedicate part of the staff to control a docking station.

Furthermore, very often the business model of companies that deal with powerbank sharing provides for incentive mechanisms are based on revenue sharing.

To enter the world of power bank sharing, the only thing to do is contact a company that operates in the sector, such as Caricami.

Caricami offers you various charging solutions for all your needs: from bench stations with 8 batteries to charging totems, with multimedia screens, for 24 or 48 batteries.


Mobile charging stations offer your business multiple opportunities to enhance the attractiveness of your business and increase profits. As we have seen in this article, it is an extremely versatile service that can adapt to any type of business, regardless of the size or the offer of products or services.

To request a mobile charging station for your business is extremely convenient and easy, click here to get yours!

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